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Unveiling the Delhi Tinder Scam: Beware of the Restaurant Racket!

In the digital age, online dating has become a common way to meet new people and form connections. Tinder, being one of the most popular dating apps, has introduced millions of users to potential matches. However, like any online platform, it has its share of dark sides, and the Delhi Tinder Scam is a perfect example of that. This disturbing trend involves girls inviting guys to restaurants, where they proceed to dupe them by ordering expensive drinks and food, with the restaurant or bar owners secretly giving the girls a percentage of the profits.

The Scam Unraveled

The Delhi Tinder Scam preys on the excitement and vulnerability of individuals looking for companionship. Here’s how the modus operandi works:

Step 1: The Luring Process
The scam begins innocently enough with a girl striking up a conversation on Tinder with a guy, often expressing interest and intrigue. As the conversation progresses, they decide to meet up for a casual date, perhaps at a restaurant or a bar.

Step 2: The Trap is Set
The girl then strategically chooses a restaurant or bar that is known to be involved in this racket. These establishments typically have an understanding with the girl, agreeing to share a portion of the profits they make from the overpriced food and drinks ordered during the scam.

Step 3: The Elaborate Swindle
Once at the restaurant, the girl skillfully orders the most expensive items on the menu, often without consulting her date. She may act as if money is of no concern and indulge in lavish orders to impress her date.

Step 4: The Bill Arrives
When the bill finally arrives, the guy is left in shock and disbelief at the exorbitant amount they owe. The girl might pretend to be surprised as well but conveniently expect her date to pay the entire bill, as if it’s the norm.

Step 5: The Restaurant’s Role
The unwitting guy is left with no option but to pay the bill, leaving the establishment with a significant profit from the inflated prices of the items ordered. The restaurant or bar then shares a percentage of these profits with the girl involved in the scam.

Unmasking the Culprits

It’s essential to recognize that the Delhi Tinder Scam is not representative of the majority of individuals using dating apps or seeking genuine connections. The culprits behind this scam are exploiting the trust and good intentions of people for personal gain. It is crucial to identify and bring these scammers to justice, but it’s equally important to be cautious and vigilant while dating online.

Protecting Yourself

For those using dating apps like Tinder, staying safe and avoiding such scams is of utmost importance. Here are some tips to protect yourself:

1. Be cautious with personal information: Avoid sharing sensitive personal details with strangers online. Keep conversations light and engaging until you get to know the person better.

2. Choose a public place: When meeting someone for the first time, opt for a public location like a café or a park. This way, you can ensure your safety and avoid potentially falling victim to scams.

3. Split the bill: During the initial stages of dating, it’s more appropriate for each person to pay their share. This practice not only prevents scams but also fosters equality in the relationship.

4. Trust your instincts: If something feels off or too good to be true, listen to your gut feeling. If you sense any red flags, it’s okay to back out of the date or end the conversation.


The Delhi Tinder Scam serves as a stark reminder of the risks associated with online dating and the importance of being cautious when interacting with strangers. While dating apps can lead to meaningful connections, it’s essential to be vigilant and aware of potential scams like this one. Remember, genuine connections are built on trust, respect, and mutual understanding – not deception and exploitation. Stay safe and keep an open heart, but also keep your eyes open for any signs of deceit.