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The 21-Day Habit Installation & Testing System

Dr. Andrew Huberman’s The 21-Day Habit Installation & Testing System is a powerful tool for building habits that stick. The system is rooted in the biology-psychology literature, and is designed to help individuals install new habits and test their effectiveness over a 21-day period.

The first step in the system is to identify six things that you would like to do every day. These can be anything from exercising to reading to meditating. Once you have identified these habits, you need to determine when in the day you will perform each habit. It’s important to be realistic about when you can do each habit, as this will increase the likelihood of success.

Once you have identified your habits and the time of day you will perform them, the next step is to recognize that you will only be able to complete 4-5 of those habits every day. It’s also important to recognize that some things should not be done every day, as this can lead to habituation and decreased effectiveness. Therefore, it’s important to shuffle out habits and not force yourself to do them every day.

If you miss a day, there’s no punishment. Instead of engaging in habit-slip-compensation, simply get back to the habit normally the next day. It’s important to decide what you can consistently do 5-6 days a week, rather than trying to do everything every day.

The 21-day period is divided into two-day bins. After each bin, you reset and start again. By focusing on just two days at a time, it becomes easier to see progress and stay motivated. After the 21-day period is over, stop doing these habits and go into autopilot. This will allow you to see how many of the habits you are naturally doing on a regular basis.

The key to success with this system is to be reasonable and realistic. Don’t try to take on too much at once, and recognize that building habits takes time. By using this system, you can embed new habits that will help you achieve your goals and become the person you want to be.