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How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life is a 2013 nonfiction book by Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert.  You may have read many self-help books. However, this one is different.

How to fail at almost everything and still win big

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big – Scott Adams

Most of the self-help books focus on goal setting to get things done. Nevertheless, Scott argues that setting goals are for losers! He wants people to create systems instead. Systems according to him are something that you will do every day, which may or may not feel like taking you closer to your goal but it will eventually increase the odds of being successful in accomplishing your objective.

For example, losing ten pounds is a goal but eating right is a system. If you focus on losing ten pounds, there is a greater chance of not losing any weight at all. Similarly, going for job interviews even if you do not need a job is a system. According to him, when you get a job, your job becomes to get a better job.

Some of the core topics that I gathered from his book are –

  1. Goals versus System: Goals are for losers!
  2. Deciding versus Wanting: if you want something just decide. For example, “I decide to start an online business” is different from “I want to start an online business”
  3. The Energy Metric
    • Matching mental state to activity
    • Sitting position
    • Tidiness
    • Do not be an asshole
    • Priorities
  4. Managing Your Attitude
    • The power of a smile
    • Success premium
    • Pick the delusion that works
  5. Managing Your Odds for Success
    • The success formula: Every skill you acquire, doubles your odds of success
    • The knowledge formula: The more you know, the more you can know
  6. The Math of Success
    • Public speaking
    • Psychology
    • Business writing
    • Accounting
    • Design
    • Conversation
    • Overcoming shyness
    • Second language
    • Golf
    • Proper grammar
    • Persuasion
    • Technology (Hobby level)
    • Proper voice technique
  7. Pattern Recognition
    • Successful people:
    a. Lack of fear of embarrassment
    b. Education (the right kind)
    c. Exercise
  8. Association programming: Find the people who most represent what you would like to become and spend as much time with them as you can without trespassing, kidnapping or stalking
  9. Happiness
    • Formula
    a. Eat right
    b. Exercise
    c. Get enough sleep
    d. Imagine an incredible future
    e. Work toward a flexible schedule
    f. Do things you can steadily improve at
    g. Help others if you have already helped yourself
    h. Reduce daily decisions to routine
  10. Diet: Simple, No Will Power Diet
  11. Fitness: Be active every day

Buy it now – How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life